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Kitchen Cabinet Ideas That All of You Should Follow

modular kitchen

When designing a kitchen, it is important to give more importance to utility and space rather than just the latest fashion trends. An unorganized kitchen is a messy kitchen, and without the right kitchen, cabinets, plates, crockeries, and spoons can get scattered in your kitchen within no time. 

These storage ideas for your kitchen can completely change the way you organize your utensils and improve efficiency by loads and make you much more productive.  

Here are a few ideas to get you thinking and organizing your kitchen 

  •  Install cabinets under the kitchen sink

Installing cabinets under the kitchen sink is one of the best ways to increase storage spaces and store items that clutter the kitchen. Shoving stuff away under the kitchen, especially utensils that you do not require daily, can be a great way to give your kitchen that spacious feel! 

  • Built-in Cabinets

This is a utilitarian way of storing everything from spices to crockery and cutlery. Installing a full-size cabinet with shelves, drawers, and baskets. These cabinets can store everything while also being close to your reach. Get everything you need in one shot without having to compromise on space. 

  • Use Walls

Verticality is often tremendously under-used in our homes. Save space by using shelves on the wall to store items. This way your countertops and immediate area of use are free from clutter and easy to use. 

  • Choose open shelves over closed ones

 Trendiness and utility combined. That’s what open shelves give you over closed ones. These look chic and trendy and give you the freedom of open spaces.

  • Install Dividers

Installing dividers is an essential part of organizing a cabinet. Dividers assign an excellent spot for each item you want to store. This is an innovative way to keep things. very organized while also making it very easy to reach for things while cooking and cleaning. 

  • Install hangers for towels

Hanging towels from the edges of shelves can be shabby and untidy while reducing the appeal of your kitchen. Installing thin steel rails that do not rust can be a very good-looking way to organize towels. These are also very easy to install and budget-friendly. 

  • Use a waste basket with trash bags

Trash and Kitchen waste is a part of cooking. It is important to maintain a sanitized environment for cooking and keep germs away. Leaving garbage and food waste without disposing of it properly can lead to various diseases and illnesses. Use trash bag-covered baskets to manage waste, keeping it organized and easy to empty once full. 

  • Use dedicated containers to store scrubbers and dish washing liquid

Make sure you do not leave scrubbers and dishwashing liquid out in the open. This can lead to germ infestation in the scrubbers and cause illness. Keeping it in dedicated containers that are always cleaned keeps your kitchen clean and safe. 

  • Use magnetic knife holders and tension rods

Instead of keeping knives in baskets, and laying down cutting boards horizontally, use magnetic holders to hold knives vertically. This keeps it safe while also draining water away, preventing rust. Metal tension rods can hang cutting boards as well. This can better organize the kitchen and keep surfaces of cutting boards fungi-free. 

Now that you know some of the best ways to organize your kitchen with cabinets from the expert team of the best plywood manufacturer in India,

Select Afyun plywood for crafting these fine cabinets that can last you a long time. 

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