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5 Signs That Show It’s Time to Change Your Plywood 

The furniture defines the ambience and functionality of your space. And, plywood is the most commonly used material for crafting various types of furniture.

However, just like any other material, plywood has an expiration date. 

But, it can be challenging to determine when you need to replace it.

In this article, we have mentioned some signs to look for to understand whether it’s time to consider replacing your plywood.

  1. Creaking and Groaning

When you notice creaking sounds in your furniture like sofas, beds, and more, it shows that the piece of plywood is worn out. 

This creaking wood damage leads to the internal parts’ depreciation and wear and tear of the furniture. It’s a sign that wood expands and shrinks in response to changes in moisture and temperature.

  1. Structural Instability

Loose joints, weakened legs, or an unsteady frame are signs that the plywood of your furniture has become structurally unstable. Ignoring the structural integrity of your furniture leads to inconvenience and safety hazards. 

It may lead to accidents or further damage. So, make a wise decision and ensure proper replacement of your plywood.

  1. Termite Attacks  

If you have been using plywood furniture for a long time or using low-quality plywood, you’re likely to witness termites or borer attacks. This calls for the replacement of your plywood.  

  1. Faded Finishes and Colors 

Exposure to sunlight, humidity, and other environmental factors can cause the plywood to lose its original lustre.

If you notice that the colours have faded or the finish has dulled, it’s a sign that your furniture is ageing. So consider replacing your plywood.

Also, you can use a furniture polish or protective coating to minimize the impact of environmental factors.

  1. Failed or Damaged Mechanism

Broken parts of the furniture pieces are the main indicator that your plywood needs to be upgraded.

This cracked part can often be aggravated through regular use, so replace your damaged plywood as soon as possible before the situation worsens. 


So, these five signs indicate that it’s time to start looking for a replacement for your plywood.

Disregarding these signs and overusing your plywood can even lead to damage of the whole furniture. So make sure to keep an eye on these indicators and timely replace the plywood. 

Quick Links:

Plywood Price | Plywood Price in India | Calibrated Plywood Price | Gurjan Plywood | Fire Retardant Plywood | Waterproof Plywood | Marine Plywood Price

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